Abstract | Rad pod nazivom Interpretativna analiza odabranih fantazija Franza Schuberta i Roberta Schumanna temelji se na analizi dviju fantazija, od kojih je prva Schumannova Fantazija u C-duru, op. 17, a druga Schubertova Wanderer Fantazija u C-duru, op. 15. Rad je podijeljen u dva dijela: u prvom dijelu prikazan je kratki uvod u glazbeni romantizam te razvoj fantazije tijekom stoljeća. Također su prikazani životi i stvaralaštva Roberta Schumanna i Franza Schuberta. U drugom se dijelu nalaze analize obje fantazije. Fantazija u C-duru, op. 17 Roberta Schumanna jedno je od njegovih najstrastvenijih i najkompleksnijih djela. Budući da je Schumann bio boležljiv i sklon mentalnim problemima, razdvojenost od njegove Clare nanosila mu je toliko boli da je morao naći način kako da to izbaci iz sebe, te je na taj način nastala Fantazija. Pisana u tri stavka, raspoređenih u brzi-brzi-spori stavak, poništava klasičnu strukturu sonatnog ciklusa. Prvi stavak, pisan u modificiranom sonatnom obliku, donosi široke i dugačke lirske melodije dok se na mjestu druge teme nalazi potpuno novi dio stavka. Drugi stavak donosi brzu i hrabru koračnicu dok treći donosi mir i spokoj. Schubertova Wanderer Fantazija u C-duru, op. 15 grandiozno je, briljantno i virtuozno djelo. Pisana u četiri stavka Wanderer Fantazija zadržava formu klasičnog sonatnog ciklusa, uz tu izmjenu da su stavci pisani attacca. Prvi je stavak pisan u modificiranom sonatnom obliku te se izmjenjuju hrabra prva tema i lirske druga i treća tema. Drugi je stavak formalno niz varijacija koje se isprepliću kroz razne tonalitete i ritamske varijacije. Treći stavak je scherzo-trio gdje se suprotstavljaju brzi prvi dio i lirski i mirni drugi dio dok se u četvrtom stavku nalazi veliko finale, najvirtuozniji od svih stavaka, u formi slobodne fuge. |
Abstract (english) | The work titled "Interpretative Analysis of Selected Fantasies by Franz Schubert and Robert Schumann" focuses on the analysis of two fantasies: Schumann's Fantasy in C major, Op. 17, and Schubert's Wanderer Fantasy in C major, Op. 15. The work is divided into two parts: the first provides a brief introduction to musical romanticism and the development of the fantasy 2 genre through the centuries. It also presents the lives and works of Robert Schumann and Franz Schubert. Schumann's Fantasy in C major, Op. 17 is one of his most passionate and complex compositions. Schumann, known for his frail health and susceptibility to mental illness, was deeply pained by his separation from Clara. This anguish needed an outlet, leading to the creation of the *Fantasy*. Written in three movements, structured as fast-fast-slow, it breaks away from the classical sonata cycle form. The first movement, composed in a modified sonata form, features broad, lyrical melodies, with a completely new section taking the place of the second theme. The second movement is a fast and bold march, while the third brings a sense of peace and serenity. Schubert's Wanderer Fantasy in C major, Op. 15 is a grand, brilliant, and virtuosic work.Written in four movements, it retains the form of the classical sonata cycle, but with the movements played attacca (without pause). The first movement, in a modified sonata form, alternates between a bold first theme and lyrical second and third themes. The second movement is formally a series of variations that intertwine through various tonalities and rhythmic changes. The third movement is a scherzo-trio, contrasting a fast first section with a lyrical and calm second section, while the fourth movement features a grand finale, the most virtuosic of all movements, in the form of a free fugue. |