Abstract | U ovoj seriji slika prikazuje se petogodišnje iskustvo studiranja slikarstva. Zahvaljujući vlastitu naporu prikazani su razvoj likovnog jezika i sloboda izražavanja. Ova serija slika bavi se samim medijem koji mi je omogućio ulaz u rad, gdje slobodni nanos boja stvara različite senzacije. Boju kao senzaciju vežem s intenzivnim, ali kratkotrajnim unutarnjim stanjima vlastita bića. Raspoloženjem, koje je bilo drugačije svakim povratkom slikanju, nastaju različiti rukopisi bogate palete. Serija prati razvoj ekspresije i osobnog likovnog jezika kroz široki spektar emocionalnih stanja. Poveznica s Helen Frankenthaler nalazi se u njezinu slikarskom procesu i odnosu prema mediju koji stvara lebdeća polja boje. Njezin likovni jezik stvorio je poseban osjećaj fluidnosti i slobode, što povezujem sa svojom serijom slika „Spoznaje“. Ova serija radova ostavlja poseban trag autoričine težnje ka slobodi izražavanja. |
Abstract (english) | This series of paintings represents a five-year journey in studying art. Thanks to personal effort, the development of visual language and free expression is demonstrated. What is distinctive about this series is the painting technique, where diluted paint creates a watercolor effect. The watercolor effect imparts fluidity, ease of expression, special depth, mystique, and a translucent quality. The technique allows for a deep engagement with the work, where layers of paint were applied over one another, mixing spontaneously to create various color shades. Emotions, which are sometimes intense and fleeting responses to specific events, are visually represented through color shades. Intense emotions are depicted using cooler tones mixed with warmer hues. With varying moods, each new session and reworking of the paintings led to the creation of new forms. The experience connecting the mind and heart resulted in a unique handwriting on the paintings, revealed through different colors. Various brushstrokes, lines running through the series of paintings—whether thick, thin, short, or depicted in different shades and spots—are linked to turbulent emotions and unclear moods, creating a distinctive artistic style. The connection to Helen Frankenthaler lies in her use of a similar painting technique, where she poured diluted paint directly onto a raw canvas, working from all sides to create floating fields of color. Her technique produced a unique sense of spontaneity and fluidity, which resonates with my series of paintings "Insights." This series of works leaves a distinct mark of the artist's freedom of expression. |