Abstract | Scijentologija je u SAD-u uzela veliki mah od samog svog osnutka. Lafayette Ron Hubbard, njezin osnivač i SF autor, predstavio ju je u svojim knjigama i naišao na brojne sljedbenike. Danas broje milijune pripadnika širom svijeta, naročito bogate i slavne iz Hollywood-a. Scijentologija koja je daleko od religije, ali se tako predstavlja, ima čudne poglede na život čovjeka i svoje temelje je izgradila na totalno drugačijem tlu nego ostale religije. Reinkarnacija, duh thetan kao vrhovni pojam, kontrola uma i tijela, odbacivanje psihijatrije i psihologije kao načine liječenja, skeptičnost prema medicini općenito...,sve su to njihove mjere koje ovu religiju dovode u pitanje. Scijentolozi se predstavljaju kao humanitarci, borci protiv droge i nasilja, zalažu se za jednakost svakog čovjeka i djeluju u svojim neprofitnim pokretima diljem svijeta. Istraživanje je dovelo do spoznaje da i nisu baš onakvi kakvim se predstavljaju. Bivši članovi scijentologije podižu svoj glas protiv ovog opasnog kulta, otkrivaju svo prljavo rublje i sve mračne strane koje se zataškavaju. U društvu se ovaj kult predstavlja najbolje moguće, no mediji su ti koji su iznijeli puno toga što ne ide u prilog moćnim scijentolozima, a to su primjerice scijentološka kontradiktornost (nasilje prisutno u njihovim redovima, a zalažu se protiv nasilja) i krinka religije kako bi zapravo došli do profita. Nekoliko država Europe, naročito Njemačka, zabranili su ju i ušli u sukob s SAD-om. Ovaj rad prikazati će kako se scijentologija predstavlja sama i opisati njezine osnovne pojmove i značajke, te će prikazati i kako ju vide mediji, bivši članovi, a samim time i društvo preko njih. |
Abstract (english) | Scientology has become very popular in the USA, since its founding. The founder and SF author, Lafayette Ron Hubbard, introduced scientology in his books and embraced many followers. Today, this movement has millions of members worldwide, especially the rich and famous from Hollywood. Scientology is a movement far from being a religion, but is considered as such. It has eccentric views towards life and its foundations were built on completely different grounds, compared to other religions. Reincarnation, the spirit "thetan" as the Supreme Being, mind and body control, the discarding of psychiatry and psychology as a form of treatment, scepticism towards medical science and others are all measures that call this religion into question. Scientologists represent themselves as humanitarians, fighters against drugs and violence, they encourage equality for each individual and participate in non-profit movements worldwide. According to research, it turned out that the members are not exactly as they present themselves to be. Former members of scientology are raising their voice against this dangerous cult by unrevealing all the dirty laundry and dark sides that the members have been trying to cover up. This cult has been presented in its best light to society, but the media has exposed many information that is not in favour of the powerful scientologists. This is, for instance, the contradictory in scientology (violence present within the members, whereas they fight against violence) and performance under the religious mask in order to increase financial assets. Some European countries, especially Germany, banned the practice of scientology and came into conflict with the USA. This paper describes how scientology presents itself, the primary terms and characteristics and how former members and society consider scientology presented through the media. |