Abstract | Prve su organizacije koje su se počele baviti odnosima s javnošću agencije. Javne institucije uglavnom imaju glasnogovornike, dok se praktičari odnosa s javnošću danas sve više zapošljavaju i u velikim tvrtkama. Promatrajući spolnu strukturu, vidljivo je kako u odnosima s javnošću dominiraju žene, osnivajući vlastite agencije i upisujući studije odnosa s javnošću. Smatra se kako žene posjeduju idealne osobine za navedenu struku – empatične su, altruistične, manje kompetitivne u odnosu na muškarce te se usmjeravaju na emocije sugovornika. Unatoč tome, suočavaju se s brojnim izazovima i ograničenjima koja im onemogućavaju napredovanje na radnom mjestu kao što su tradicionalni odgoj, povezivanje isključivo s brakom i majčinstvom, davanje nižih plaća za jednako obavljeni posao te prisutnost rodnih stereotipa i predrasuda koji ih potom dovode do smanjenja samopouzdanja i razvoja osjećaja manje vrijednosti. Načini na koje je moguće zaštititi položaj žena u odnosima s javnošću kriju se, stoga, u ulozi zakonskih propisa koji predstavljaju temelj praktičnom djelovanju, zatim u ulozi poduzeća i njihovih zaposlenika kojima je potrebno omogućiti fleksibilno radno vrijeme i pravične poslovne prilike, a konačno i u ulozi medija koji svojim izvještavanjem trebaju doprinositi razvoju zdravog društvenog pogleda na žene. Navedenu podzastupljenost žena dokazuju i istraživanja na nacionalnoj (Planinić i Ljubičić (2020), Galičić i Ivanović (2006), Bedeković i Ravlić (2011), Pavlek i sur. (2015), Nedović i sur. (2015), Nidogon Višnjić i sur. (2018), Posarić i sur. (2019), Štekl (2021)) i na međunarodnoj razini (Garret Cline (1986), Zerfass i sur. (2014), Penava i Šehić (2007), Toth i Grunig (2009), Place i Vardeman-Winter (2018)). Cilj je ovog diplomskog rada istražiti postoji li takva diskrepancija, utvrditi izazove i ograničenja žena u odnosima s javnošću te uvidjeti primjenjuju li se zakonski propisi u praksi. |
Abstract (english) | Agencies are the first facilities that started to deal with public relations. Public institutions generally have spokespersons, while public relations practitioners are increasingly employed in large companies today. Observing the gender structure, it is evident that public relations are dominated by women, founding their own agencies and enrolling in public relations studies. It is considered that women possess ideal qualities for the mentioned profession – they are empathetic, altruistic, less competitive compared to men and focus on the emotions of the interlocutor. Despite this, they face numerous challenges and limitations that prevent them from advancing in the workplace, such as traditional upbringing, associated exclusively with marriage and motherhood, lower wages for equal work, and the presence of gender stereotypes and prejudices, which then lead to a decrease in self-confidence and the development of feelings of inferiority. The ways in which it is possible to protect the position of women in public relations lie, therefore, in the role of legal regulations that represent the basis for practical action, then in the role of companies and their employees who need to be provided with flexible working hours and fair business opportunities, and finally in the role of media that, with their reporting, should contribute to the development of a healthy social view of women. The mentioned underrepresentation of women is also proven by national research (Planinić and Ljubičić (2020), Galičić and Ivanović (2006), Bedeković and Ravlić (2011), Pavlek et al. (2015), Nedović et al. (2015), Nidogon Višnjić et al. (2018), Posarić et al. (2019), Štekl (2021)) and international research (Garret Cline (1986), Zerfass et al. (2014), Penava and Šehić (2007), Toth and Grunig (2009), Place and Vardeman-Winter (2018)). The goal of this thesis is to investigate whether such a discrepancy exists, to determine the challenges and limitations of women in public relations, and to see whether legal regulations are applied in practice. |